Friday, October 10, 2008
It's a ..............
His wishes came true...
He can't wait to buy new cloths...
He had a plan, to work together..painting house, clean the drain etc..
He had a name already, waiting to register..
He could smile till his ears...
Everyone in the family get the news as soon as we walk out from the room...
What is the news leh?
It's a boy!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Pictures paint a thousand words
Friday, August 8, 2008
I've been attending 2 days training, after training need to come back office for discussion pulak..aduh..penatnyerrr...sib baik la dah Friday...tapi yg tak behnyer plak sok kena kemas umahhhh....
takper..takper..ari ahad leh rileks...rabu laks dah balik kampung..yippies...
blog ni macam boring lak ehh..maybe takde gambo kot..hehehhe...nanti-nanti...lepas cuti-cuti malaysia next week...insyaallah saya hapload gambor ter"latest" aweq dua orang tu...hehehhehe
till then, have a pleasent weekend..:D
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
abess dah....
sekurang2nye, kurang la satu beban utang....:P
Monday, August 4, 2008
Hi Again..
today there is an urgent meeting with my boss...everyone feelin a lil bit scared since most of the time people talk about tis "throw" people thing...vss la...The company even published about tis program in the local newspaper...after that..there are meeting and meeting talk about this thing...350 people from asia pacific affected...huhuhuhu...
so sudden my boss call for urgent meeting...everyone very punctual and stare at each other...when we walk in the meeting room...guess what..the same topic appear to the big wide screen....then, he turn to second page...
walauweh...BIRTHDAY surprise!!....cisss...kena is birthday treat for 3 of our colleagues who celebrate biffday tis month...cheese cake from secret recipe...KFC...keropok's...soft drinks...sabo je lah...for an hour and a half we all just eat, eat and eat....yg tak tahan..lepas makan tu, siap leh discuss after this, makan ape laks..and whose turn to belanja....ada suggest kat windmill, ikan bakar, simply fish, pizza...etc....since our group has plenty of money for we will have it for few round...yeayyy....:P
everyone so relief when we notice, nobody will be kick off from then company, nobody resign....nobody will be transferred to other department boss and his kompromi yg rancang ni memang betul la..we all really scared u know...
But anyway..It is a wonderful day...thanks to the did a pretty well done job...your secret tak "bocor" u manage to do tat ya????
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
cut cost
1. no more OT's for technician and operators (of course the executive has to work extra without any OT's all this while)
2. pc need to be shut down after work
3. 30 - 40% of fluorescent tube might be removed (gelap la opis)
4. set point for air-cond :25 degree (sejuk ke?)
5. only one person is allowed to go for business trip in any case
6. no business trip if it can be discussed thru telecons
7. no more free breakfast for morning meetings
8. job offer freezed
9. bla..bla..bla..bla..
I think it is good also to implement this. we can save more $$$ and energy. As long as they didnt cut employees benefit...errrr..actually they already done this...huhuhuhu...
I heard our previous sister company already retrench their staff worldwide...
sad but true..:-(
Monday, June 16, 2008
Full tank iswara aeroback auto 1.5cc
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A&W@Restorant Jejantas Ayer Keroh
This is me with my eldest daughter. Tanggal 9 May, is my birthday...after work, all of us off to A&W for makan-makan...hehehhe...My favourite, rutbir floats...unfortunately, no waffle there..huhuhuhu...tapi takpe la..nie pon dah Shasha actually very sleepy...terpaksa kejutkan dia when we arrive..tu yg asyik menguap aje..
Nie plak..mancho dearie husbend..thanks for celebrating this day with me + kids....must remember every year aaaa....:-)
yg nie shasha tgh menikmati her favourite food==> Ayam
adik tengok ape tu?
Friday, May 9, 2008
I'm soo touched....

It's a suprise birthday for me..tak tgh sibuk2 tulih mail, tetiba ramai2 berlonggok kat meja saya..ingatkan ape..bila tolehh...wahhhh..birthday cake!! siap nyanyi lagi..happy birthday to me...huhuhuu...dan tidak lupe juga..acara meniup lilin yg dah berzaman saya tak buat activity nie...huhuhuhuhu...terharunyer....mekaseh kengkawan..opismate....

tak lupe jugak buat kengkawan yg dtg to my place and wish...hehehhehe...terasa macam org penting pulak...maklom la..besdayy girl..kena outstanding skit hari tu kan..kuangX3
dan jugak kengkawan yg anta mail, sms to wish...jauh dimata, dekat dihati..chewah....
dan jugak adik ipar yg hantar e-card yg kiut miut..mekaseh mas
dan yg disayangi, my beloved husband..yg tak penah lupe my besday..hehehhehe...
tetiba rasa best sangat ari nie..macam ceria ajer....thanks to you guys..I'll never forget my birthday celebration yg ke-31...this is sooo specialll...
P/s: I love the chocolate cheese cake that u bought from secret recipe...veryy deliciousssss...tapi pasni kena diet lah..kuangX3
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Ada orang intai...
seperti hari2 yg lalu...aku ke tempat kerja....cuma..makin lama tu makin lambat aku sampai ke tempat kerja..hohohoho....kalau dulu-dulu, swipe badge kol 7.50~8.00, sekarang nie dah jadik 8.00~8.10....hehehheeh....tambah-tambah lagi, si kecik dah mula nakkan makanan lazat seperti bubur...terpaksa la mama dier merajinkan diri menanak bubur yg lambat masak itu..huhuhuhu......dulu aku selalu ignore kala-kala jam memekik kol 6.10 pagi..akan ku buat dunno, sampai la husbend memanggil kol 6.30...sekarang nie, bila jam berbunyi, terus dgn ligatnye ku gagahkan diri ini ke dapur..kang bubur tak sempat masak plaks..:P
pagi tadi ku swipekan bagde kol 8.01....lepas swipe, seperti biasa akan ku luncurkan kereta ku menghala ke parking kilang husbend ku...nasib tak berapa best ari nie since row depan takde yg kosong...huhuhu...terpaksa la ku parking jauh nun di belakang saner...lepas park kete, dgn slownyer, aku berjalan kaki menuju ke kilang ku...pak guard tu pon dah kenal beno diriku ini yg menompang parking kompeninyer...
tengah dok santai-santai berjalan kaki seorang diri...tetiba...tritt..trittt..trittittitttt....tepon ku berbunyi..."lambatnye awak sampai...."..hohoohooo..ada org mengintai rupanyer...kuangX3....husbend ku mengintai dari dlm bangunan opisnyer....ape agaknye dia wat pepagi nie ehh....sajer je dia tepon....hai..takkan dah rindu kot...ngehX3...
sekian terima kaseyyyyyyy....:-)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Kejam kah aku...?
one of my colleague ada request something from me to find out...Today morning I found the document and put on his table...he ask" where did you get this?"
Dengan selambanye aku menjawa " I get it from the sky!"
hahahhahaha......dun play2...;-)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Pagi ini..........

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Suatu hari itu...

Tension punye pasal..hahahhhhahahaha....semalam time lunch tu, kuar sat ngan hubby ler...pi ler isik minyak kat stesen petronas...tetiba teringin plaks makan pi la masuk kedai mesra tu...carik la skit...
tgk kat sticker atas fridge tu, tulis RM2...hmm...mahal jugak nie..kalau beli kat giant RM1 jerr...heheheheh...tapi since dah nak tu, amik jer ler ...bila nak bayo, tetiba dia kata harga ice-cream tu RM2.20....aikss...nak menipu laks...pastuh siap tak percaya kat org plaks...dah terang-terangan tulis atas fridge ice-cream tu harge berapa...nak jugak tunggu boss dia dtg utk pengesahan..boss dia pulak ntah mana....macam bangang ajerr...last2 akak blah jer...ape punye service daaa......pastuh tak mesra langsung...tak sesuai betul ngan nama kedainyer...hahhahahaha....
ape2 pon, saya terus pi plak kat stesyen shell sebelahnyer...emmm..sungguh fantastik...hehehhe..layanan sangat2 bagus....akhirnyer dapat jugak ice-cream idaman ku dgn harga yg betul..kuang..kuang..kuang...
bukannyer ape, rakyat melaysia nie memang sensitip ngan kepada peruncit2 tu, tolong la letak harga betul2....pengguna tak buta , k
sekian terima kasih..:-)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Cerita semalam
bila bukak2 ajer...tergezutssss...zasssss....hehehhehe...ada sorang mamat tu la kan..ajak saya couple ngan dia....dah la kad yg dia hantar tu comei abess...buat org senyum sampai ke telinga..hahahha...tak tau la ada org perasan ke tak saya time tu..dok tersengih2 depan till today dah couple 10 sangka ehh...kihkihkih...
semalam bila dia balik keje...dia sengih2 plaks...katanye, tadi dia nak belikan kek tapi lupe plaks bawak tak jadi....hai..baiknye pulak nie..padahal dia awal2bagitau tak elok celebrate valentines nie etc..saya diam aje lah since dia kata gitu dah...hehehhe..tapi disebaliknye, nak jugak dia belikan kek...sekadar berniat nak beli pon dah buat org terharuuu...hohohohoho...
tak sangka plak mamat nie romantik jugak ehh...
tenkiu cyg...
hohohohoho...marilah berjiwang...;-)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Percutian di PD
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Last day
well..tommorrow we are goin off to PD..yuhuuuu....bestnyer...walaupon tempatnye takde la menarik sangat, tapi kira enjoy jugak lah sebab dapat menu for tomorrow would be fried chicken, kari sotong and mix vege...then plan nak wat tuna sandwich...makanan ringan da beli awal2...ada chezel, twisties, chocolates, 100plus, mango juice...and lots more...emm..nie macam nak membina badan aje nie...kihkihkih....
si shasha pulak tak sabar2 nak mandi kolam...mesti dia suka sangat...:D
tak sabarnye tunggu esok.....
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Selain dari surat2 diatas, ada jugak surat dari bank especially maybank..yeah..I deal with maybank for most of my things....and my daughter with honour, tolong bukakkan surat2 tu and hand over to me...ada one time tu I received 4-5 mail from maybank and she help me to open it...Dlm masa yg sama..dia membebel..."surat maybank mama...asyik-asyik surat maybank..pening kakak"....hehehhehe..mama dia lagi pening tgk surat2 tu anakku..huhuhuhuhuhuhu....
Thursday, January 24, 2008

In the mean time, I had chosen this special gift for our beloved boss from royal's a pewter mug...Engraved with these words: "You may not be good looking but you still a great ex-boss..."......I just browse from their webpage and buy online...within 1 week, delivered. I can say their service is good. Workmanship pon ok..mug pon bila received..lagi cantik compare tgk kat website...I tried to attach a picture here but there's an error..huhuuu..camno nak buek ehh...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Well today bukan nak citer pasal pau makan-makan nie..hehehhe..nak citer pau yg bermakna.."kebas"....kihkihkih...ari nie saya pau husbend saya punye $$$...kuang kuang kuang...
My ex-classmate masa kat MRSM dulu, also my husbend ex-asasi classmate nak balik Malaysia...she's following her husbend yg further study kat end of this month diorang balik dgn sengajanyer saya menempah brooch lah kat dia sebab saya memang giloss dgn brooch korea nie...heheheheh...padahal saya baru aje beli brooch korea ni melalui satu laman website..
So tadi masa lunch...terketar2 gaks nak cakap kat husbend yg saya beli brooch lagi..heheheh...macam iye-iye aje...bila saya cakap aje, dia cakap "haaahhhhh"...hehehheheh...pastu saya cakap ler saya nak ada koleksi brooch with different kaler...lagipon..bila la agaknye nak menjejakkan kaki kat korea tu.....baik saya order aje kat kawan saya tu.....then dia leh pos bila sampai Malaysia murah la since husbend saya nie pemurah..chewah..dia approve aje lah...kang merajuk pulak ekk...hohohohoho...suke nye saya...ade kaler biru, kuning, hijau, purple, pink, topaz, putih.....kalau ada peluang lagi infuture maybe plan nak tambah koleksi..ahaks!