Esok adalah hari makan-makan.....sempena farewell utk boss....10am tomorrow will have quarterly group meeting...after that..pegi makan2...my boss will treat us as usual, unfortunately this may be the last treat we ever had from him..huhuhuhu....then at nite..wahaa..dinner pulak..at my collegue house..utk theme yg sama jugak..farewell utk boss kitorang..but it is a potluck dinner..so everyone will bring something to eat...well there's 9 of us including my boss...so..nak bawak ape ekk? my boss will bring fast food..wonder what he will bring..hmm..maggi? kuang..kuang..kuang..maklom la..he is still single...sorry boss..just joking...tuan rumah pulak buat barbeque + spaghetti..yummy..I love spaggethi...me pulak..well..let's see tomorrow...
In the mean time, I had chosen this special gift for our beloved boss from royal selangor..it's a pewter mug...Engraved with these words: "You may not be good looking but you still a great ex-boss..."......I just browse from their webpage and buy online...within 1 week, delivered. I can say their service is good. Workmanship pon ok..mug pon bila received..lagi cantik compare tgk kat website...I tried to attach a picture here but there's an error..huhuuu..camno nak buek ehh...
Opss..dah leh pulak upload..nanti sat noo..
hello from Aragón.
Hello Aragon...welcome..welcome..:-)
hai kitty, mug utk sy takde ke huahuahuah..
nak mug? kasmah kena jadik boss saya dulu lah..heheheh...:D
jd boss kitty? ehh bulehhh
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